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News Archive

09-2011 Results of the cooperation with CRUISe were presented by Carsten Radeck at the Adaptive 2011 in Rome, and at the workshop Mashups 2011 co-located with the ECOWS 2011 in Lugano.
09-2011 EDYRA calls for component developers: german job offer for student research assistants.
08-2011 New topic for a student thesis: self-adaptive dynamic layout in UI mashups (german). Students welcome!
07-2011 Results of the cooperation between EDYRA and CRUISe succesfully placed at Adaptive 2011 and the Mashups 2011 workshop.  
06-2011 Results of the cooperation between EDYRA and DEMISA were presented at the Composable Web 2011 workshop. Composable Web 2011
05-2011 In cooperation with the DEMISA project we offer two new topics for student theses covering common research areas: "Evaluation and Extension of the DEMISA Task Model" (german) and "Task Based Composition of UI Mashups" (german).  
05-2011 Official opening event for the ResUbic-Lab at Output 2011! We celebrate this with a new poster (german).
Nice YouTube video of the ResUbic-Lab opening ceremony.
EDYRA Poster
05-2011 And another topic for a student thesis: Analysis and Comparison of Existing Mashup Approaches for End User Development (german). Students welcome!  
04-2011 New topic for a student thesis: Semi-automatic Extraction of Requirements for Web-Mashups from User Feedback (german).  
04-2011 EDYRA will present a talk, a poster and the brand new group leaflet (german) at the opening event for the ResUbic Lab at Output 2011. EDYRA group leaflet
03-2011 All aboard! With our new staff members PersonGregor Blichmann and PersonCarsten Radeck the EDYRA research team is finally complete.  
01-2011 We start into 2011 with a kickoff meeting for the ResUbic research cluster on 07-01-2011.  
12-2010 In the wake of the Dresden IT Summit our research cluster receives its (hopefully final) name. EDYRA is now part of the ResUbic Lab Dresden.  
10-2010 We have two open positions for junior researches to offer. For details please see our announcement (german only) at the MMT website.  
10-2010 Maik Thiele of the Database Technology Group und PersonAlexander Lorz are the first researches to join the EDYRA project.  
09-2010 The EDYRA proposal has been accepted and funds have been granted by the SAB. We can start in october!  
